
How I became one of “THOSE” Christmas people

  How I became one of “THOSE” Christmas people.     I have always loved to decorate for the holidays.  When I lived in Birmingham, I had someone who later became an excellent friend who came and decorated for me for Christmas.  I would go and buy all the elements I liked- ribbons- different textures, colors, fabrics, florals, ornaments, and she would tell me what would work and what wouldn’t, and then she would put up my tree.  It was one of those things that I splurged on.  Seeing my home decorated with such precise thoughtfulness brought me great joy.  It also shined a little brighter that I didn’t have to put all those ornaments on a 12 foot tree.  😊 That friend taught me a lot along the way about decorating and design.  She taught me how to look at a room with perspective, a vision, and even how to have a perception about sizing items in the room or on a tree. Most importantly, you also needed a perception of what the other person wanted to feel when they walked into that r

Queen of Procrastinators- Don’t put off TODAY what you might not have a chance to do TOMORROW.

 Queen of Procrastinators- Don’t put off TODAY what you might not have a chance to do TOMORROW.  *This blog does not end as I planned but stick around 😉 ** I need to admit something.  I am the Queen of Procrastinators.  I will procrastinate about mostly the not fun things…. Taxes, dishes, laundry, admitting when I am wrong, saying I am sorry….. You know all the difficult things in life.  Well ok, who am I kidding?  If I could procrastinate about everything in life and get away with it.  I would.  Growing up.  Going to the doctor.  Paying Bills.  If I could get away with doing nothing but the fun stuff in life… I would.   There I admitted it.  I do try to balance it though, but it is TOUGH.  These days it seems laundry and dishes ALWAYS get put to the back burner because- hey life is tough some weeks.  OK! Life is tough every week.   OK!!!!!  MY POINT!!!!!!!!!  WHY DO I TORTURE MYSELF WITH PUTTING OFF THE LAUNDRY AND DISHES?????  I literally do it every week and every time I dr

Still Small Whispers from Heaven-- If we listen

 Still Small Whispers............  I haven’t sung a note much less a song, outside of singing in the congregation, since my Aunt Pearl's funeral a few years ago. Honestly, I’ve let my anxiety and the ole devil get in my head about singing. A few weeks ago I promised myself and God to pick music back up only for the glory and honor of HIS kingdom. Tonight I had dusted off some old music to practice and even downloaded some new songs. I was searching for a folder to put my sheet music in. I pulled out an empty binder and found these four tabs. That handwriting I would recognize anywhere. Alicia Jolly Alicia and I worked together 20something years ago but I found these tabs tonight. That is not lost on me. I always say everything happens for a reason. Alicia was always my number 1 supporter and biggest cheerleader. Finding those tabs for me was like calling my friend and getting that much-needed talk to continue on the journey…. No matter what nonsense the devil tries t

Until we meet again Alicia!!!!!!!!!!! Feb 2023

  For my Sister and Best Friend, Alicia. Alicia is on the Right. How can I write something that adequately displays my love for her? I don’t know if that’s possible…. but here we go. For 39 years Alicia Jolly has been my true friend. Literally through thick and thin--big girl times and times where we just thought we were big girls. We have seen good times, bad times, happy times, and sad times. Alicia and I met at the ripe old age of 5 years old in Kindergarten at Ariton School. In high school, we were best friends and frienemies. We loved and hated each other, broke our friendship, and made up more times than I can count. We shared so many memories. She took me home to meet her Blue eyed grandmother- Annie Lee. I took her home to meet my granny, Gladys. I took Alicia to my church and Alicia brought me to this very church many years ago. We shared clothes… we shared lots of diets and dreams of I’m going to be skinny one day. We had lots of high school sleepovers…. but none

Plan, planning, planner,

I became a planner, many many years ago. At the ripe old age of 10 years old, I planned my wedding, my house, my baby shower, and EVERYTHING...... However, I vividly remember planning my house out of the Sears catalog.  I would cut out each little thing I liked and put it on the page for which it would be used.   I never really knew why I did that or what made me want to even do that.  However, I cut and glued many many items;  furniture, textiles for the rooms, and kitchens, the tools I needed, the pots and pans, etc.   So when I daydreamed about my adult kitchen..... or bedroom.  I had a visual of what that was.  It was easier to believe it could happen if I had something to visualize.   It was a vision board of sorts.   fast forward many years later, when I bought my first house I did the same thing except on a different scale.  I had a binder with paint colors, room measurements, and must-haves.  Once I started collecting furniture and items, this made it easier to plan.   It has

God Loves the Broken..... (originally posted 4-19-2022 on facebook)

 God Loves the Broken….    I haven’t blogged in a while…. which happens when I get too busy to process my daily thoughts, much less the meaning of life.  Today I had a life lesson that I felt led to share.    This morning, I went to the grocery store to get some ground beef for dinner.  I grabbed my buggy and zoomed through the produce section.  There was a produce manager there working who caught my eye.  However, just beyond her was a bucket of beautiful spring flowers.  I immediately thought of several people who could use a cheerful hello.  So, I quickly made a detour around to the flowers near the produce manager.  I leaned down to look at the flowers and I thought “oh great, I am going to need reading glasses even sooner than I planned”.  With that, I huffed and picked up the flowers to read the price tag correctly.  Sure enough, it said $0.99.  So, I questioned the produce worker.  “Ma’am, is this price correct are these flowers just $0.99?”   She replied, “Yep, Easter i

today has been difficult, this week has been difficult, employees are struggling, and most of all I am struggling!!

 This year has been difficult.........  This week has been difficult......  This month has been difficult........  People are struggling.   Employees are struggling..... I AM STRUGGLING!!!!!! Today seemed to be a breaking point where I couldn't deal with much more and had to break down and feel everything that had been thrown at me.  I did wait until I got home to vent to my loved ones.  I feel sad that they have to deal with that straight on.  I mean we do have family stuff going on.   My friends and family don't necessarily understand......  I am not really sure why I understand.   Today was a day in which we had a short lesson on how temporary life really is.  Here one minute and gone the next.  breaks my heart to deal with these issues.   and still on a very small scale -- I am dealing with not having control of my living space.  which seems so petty comparatively.  I have had control of my living space since I was 19...... that was 31 years ago.   so I am struggling.  I fe