Until we meet again Alicia!!!!!!!!!!! Feb 2023

 For my Sister and Best Friend, Alicia.

Alicia is on the Right.

How can I write something that adequately displays my love for her? I don’t know if that’s possible…. but here we go.
For 39 years Alicia Jolly has been my true friend.
Literally through thick and thin--big girl times and times where we just thought we were big girls. We have seen good times, bad times, happy times, and sad times.
Alicia and I met at the ripe old age of 5 years old in Kindergarten at Ariton School. In high school, we were best friends and frienemies. We loved and hated each other, broke our friendship, and made up more times than I can count.
We shared so many memories. She took me home to meet her Blue eyed grandmother- Annie Lee. I took her home to meet my granny, Gladys.
I took Alicia to my church and Alicia brought me to this very church many years ago. We shared clothes… we shared lots of diets and dreams of I’m going to be skinny one day.
We had lots of high school sleepovers…. but none of those high school memories hold a candle to our GROWN-UP memories.
In November of 2008, I sat in the hospital and listened as the doctors prepared us for life without her. My medical training told me that the doctors were right…..I began to prepare myself for that.
That night as we got to see her, we couldn’t touch her or her bed but I stood as close as I could and I sobbed uncontrollably. I will never forget Mary Jolly’s voice and her unwavering faith – as she said to me “Jennifer, don’t you dare give up on her. God’s got the final say.”
During the months she was fighting for her life, I couldn't wrap my mind around not being able to hear her voice again.
I prayed fervently for my friend, and I asked everyone I knew to pray for her. And let me tell you God came through on his end of the deal! Alicia Jolly was a miracle. Praise God, we didn’t have to give her up all those years ago.
As for hearing her voice...I think that we spent the last 14 years trying to make up for the lost time. When we were together we were only quiet when we slept and even then that was debatable. We have had many visits, road trips, and A LOT of girlish laughter since then.
We shared Pinterest boards and Facebook messages. Who will I send all the crazy things that ONLY she and I found funny? We had a whole Pinterest board of things we knew that only SHE AND I could laugh at.
Who will I call when I need someone to tell me to get myself in gear? Who will I call when I need that friend who sees beyond all your flaws and tells you how great you are? Who will I call when I want to laugh hysterically at something?
Disagreements have come and gone. Football games have come and gone. Presidential candidates have come and will go on. However, through it, all our love and friendship remained. Friends or in this case families like this don't come around very often but when they do, you do everything you can to hold on to them for a lifetime.
I am So thankful for my sister, and my Forever Friend Alicia....
I have felt great sadness since Alicia went to Heaven.
I think about all the things that Alicia wanted to check off her bucket list. And then I selfishly think about everything I WANTED to be there to SEE Alicia do.
However, in true Alicia fashion every time I start to feel TOO sad I feel her bossy spirit speak to me- She says DON’T you dare cry for me… I am HOME.
I know without a doubt that she is sitting at the feet of Jesus. Alicia Jolly is forever happy and healthy. She is gathered with all our family that we miss so dearly. Alicia is right where she deserves to be. In Heaven.
If Alicia could say one thing to us today, I know she would tell us to cheer up, she would make a joke about something that would make us laugh and she would remind us that God has a plan.
Family, You and I just must remain faithful in trusting God’s plan, just as Alicia did. We don’t understand it right now…… but Alicia has seen God follow through on HIS plan for her. My heart is sad that we don’t get to see her earthly body here, However, I feel like Alicia is still very much with us in spirit. If we look closely, we will see her in the little things.
Last night, as we drove, passed the funeral home, I couldn’t help but think of Alicia’s earthly body being there in that building. As I gazed out and looked into the office window,..
The office window that usually has white sheer drapes pulled closed… Last night, I saw a lamp sitting on the office desk. It wasn’t a big light, but I have never noticed the lamp shining in the window any other evening. However, I believe that was my little wink from Alicia.
I know the days to come are going to be difficult for every one of us. We just must remain firm in our FAITH that God’s got the final say.
Don’t you dare give up!!!!!!!!
Rest up BMG. See you later.
All reactions:
Scott Little, Roselyn Jenkins and 94 others


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