A Good Cry in the Pantry with Alicia at 5:30 AM


You know you have heard me say that if you listen God speaks in a still small voice.  Well, this morning I think HE sent a BIG LOUD voice to say HELLO! 

For some strange reason I get the motivation to clean out my pantry in this house between 5 and 6am.  I have no idea why.  It’s just quiet.  I turn on my worship music and start cleaning and organizing.  

Well, this morning, I had a lot to work on.  I had a large tote of serving dishes that had been returned from a wedding FOUR months ago???  I never got the motivation to put them away because I thought I had lost some of the hardware that bolts the trays together.  I was sick about LOSING the hardware.  How could I have lost it?  These dishes were special. 

Example of the tiered serving trays.

The dishes are 3-tiered serving trays like you use at a tea party type event.  I bought them when Alicia Jolly and I hosted Kristy’s Bridal Tea Party.  So, these dishes are beyond special.  Alicia and I were the last ones to handle these dishes.  It was a moment Alicia, and I shared that day that I can’t get back. 

So, long story short, I was going through the boxes wondering what I was going to do with 5 boxes of three differing sized plates with holes in the middle with no hardware to hold them together. 

I opened the last box…. and I wailed out the ugliest cry ever.  There was every single piece of hardware that had been tragically missing for the past 4 months.  

Every single piece that I had beat myself up over about not putting them back in the box.  As I was sobbing over the napkin, the gold hardware was wrapped in, I could hear Alicia calling me a big dummy for not looking in all the boxes to start with.  

It was just like that she was right there in that room with me.  She would’ve been crying because I was crying and then we would’ve looked at each other and laughed at how stupid we looked to cry over some plates, screws and bolts that hold them together. 

Oh, Sweet Friend, How I miss your laugh, your voice, your phone calls, your encouragement, your way of putting me in my place, your way of getting me back to where I needed to be, your hugs, everything. 

I miss you dearly.  I cannot believe in two days, Feb 16th will be two years.  I know the only way I have made it without you, is by God’s wonderful grace.   

God knew how much I needed that touch in a still small voice this morning.  My heart is full!  Thank you Jesus.  

I love you BMG!  I will see you soon.  Hug mama and Jeffery for me. 

** Ok, I think I can get back to work and have a fuller heart and bigger smile today.  Thankful for that still small voice.   I am always listening.  💕


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