Queen of Procrastinators- Don’t put off TODAY what you might not have a chance to do TOMORROW.

 Queen of Procrastinators- Don’t put off TODAY what you might not have a chance to do TOMORROW. 

*This blog does not end as I planned but stick around 😉**

I need to admit something.  I am the Queen of Procrastinators.  I will procrastinate about mostly the not fun things…. Taxes, dishes, laundry, admitting when I am wrong, saying I am sorry….. You know all the difficult things in life.  Well ok, who am I kidding?  If I could procrastinate about everything in life and get away with it.  I would.  Growing up.  Going to the doctor.  Paying Bills.  If I could get away with doing nothing but the fun stuff in life… I would.   There I admitted it.  I do try to balance it though, but it is TOUGH.  These days it seems laundry and dishes ALWAYS get put to the back burner because- hey life is tough some weeks.  OK! Life is tough every week.   OK!!!!!  MY POINT!!!!!!!!! 


I literally do it every week and every time I drag myself in there to catch it up.  It literally takes me 45 minutes once I decide to buckle down and do it. 

However, I have spent ALL WEEK wasting PRECIOUS TIME- making myself feel guilty about letting those dishes pile up and then giving myself a pep talk about going in there to do that sink of dishes. I could have just ended the madness right then and there and knocked it off my to do list on Monday.  Instead, here I sit finally checking it off the list Friday morning at 5:30AM. 

Isn’t that the way life gets away from us though?  

We tell ourselves that we will go visit those precious grandparents when we have more time next week. Next week comes and the same cycle continues.  Until one day, we don’t know where all the time went, and our precious grandparents don’t remember our names any longer. 

 We tell ourselves that we will go next weekend to see our parents. Next weekend comes and we have many excuses of why we just can’t make time for a couple hours of reconnection and love from our parents.  We never make time and our parents leave this earth before we really even know how much they meant to us. 

I lost my mom today, August 30,2022, two years ago.  When she was sick, I had a busy job and a lot of excuses about why I couldn’t do as much for her as I wanted.  Now that she is gone, I don’t miss that job one bit.  But I sure do miss her. 

Don’t put off TODAY what you might not have a chance to do TOMORROW. 

Dishes, making things right with an old friend, reaching out to someone who has been on your heart, going to see your loved ones, or even accepting Christ as your Savior. 

Now, I know that this blog has gone from crazy mad woman about dishes to serious business about Jesus and Salvation.  However, for some reason I feel led to share this.  It’s not how I saw this blog ending but I feel like someone needs to hear it. 

On the day that my mom died none of us sitting there around her bed had to wonder if she went to Heaven or hell.  It was obvious for mama.  The very second, she took her last breath, and her heart stopped beating and she had the most beautiful smile to come across her face.  I have no doubt in my heart that she saw Jesus at that very moment. 

Now, I don’t like to get “preachy” on social media…..but I feel like I need to say this

If you have been procrastinating about a relationship with Jesus Christ, You can take the first step today.  I did many years ago and have rededicated my life.   It only takes a willing heart and a very simple prayer to get started on building a relationship with God. 

The Prayer doesn’t have to be perfect or exact.  Or you can say something like this: “God, I confess that I am a sinner, and I ask for your forgiveness of my sins.  I believe that you died for my sins and rose from the dead to bring me new life.  I want to turn away from my sins and invite you to come into my heart.  I want to trust and follow you as my Lord and Savior. Amen.” 

I pray that if you said that prayer to get started that you will continue your path of salvation.  It is not always easy, but I know I will see Jesus one day.   I am praying for you.  If you need a church home, Louisville Baptist Church is a great one. 

I love y’all.    I am now going to check some things off my TO DO LIST…  this blog is one of them!  😊




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