
I started this blog on unworthiness back in 2011.   I found the draft of it today.  Wow, today of all days.  The timing is not lost on me.  There is no coincidence here.  I needed to read this today.  I know that someone else out there also needs to read this today. 

I was watching the last episode of Oprah a few months ago.  Oprah spoke about the lessons that she hoped people learned from watching her shows.  I have to say that some of her final comments that day struck me more than anything I have heard her say over the last 20 years.  I was able to find a transcript of her final show online. 

"Because whether it’s heroin addiction or gambling addiction or shopping addiction or food addiction, work addiction, the root is all the same. There is a common thread that runs through all of our pain and all of our suffering, and that is unworthiness. Not feeling worthy enough to own the life you were created for. Even people who believe they deserve to be happy and have nice things often don’t feel worthy once they have them.

You’re worthy because you are born and because you are here. Your being here, your being alive makes worthiness your birthright. You alone are enough."

So from those words in 2011, if you are reading this and struggling with feeling unworthy.  You are not alone.  Sometimes we tell ourselves that we are not worthy of being loved unconditionally.  Sometimes we sabotage relationships because we feel like its all going to fall apart anyway.  Sometimes we turn to drugs or alcohol because our feelings are too intense to handle.  Sometimes we throw our hands up in the air and quit because there is no way that you are smart enough or capable of handling those tough situations. 

Whatever it is that you are struggling with today.....  in the words of Oprah Winfrey;  " You are worthy.....You alone are enough." 


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