Things a "MAN" should never say to a woman at a gun store.

I have spent last night and today doing a little research about guns.  Over the last few hours I have been reading about women and guns:  Women who are certified weapons instructors. Women who are competition shooters .  Women who just like to be able to defend themselves.  Women who have differing opinions about guns, defensive stances, calibers, concealed carry, open carry, etc.  

First of all I would like to clarify..... I know a small amount about guns.  I know probably the basics.  I am not an expert by any means.  I am always trying to read and educate myself.  When I go to the range I am constantly watching and trying to learn from my husband or the other shooters around me.  I will admit when I don't know.  I will ask questions freely when warranted.    I want to learn from everyone... Male and female.  

However, few things tick me off faster than the "little missy" treatment in the gun store.  To follow are a few things that I don't EVER want to hear or feel at a gun shop.  

First of all, for the love of all that's good---- please do not assume (because I am female) and hand me a gun that's pink.  I think pink guns should be outlawed personally.  I don't think we should have a real live gun that looks that so much like a toy gun.... When nothing could be further from the truth.  If you want to be taken seriously as a shooter.... Don't use a pink gun.  This is serious business.  I don't want a gun as a fashion statement.  I mean there are pink accessories out the wahzoo..... Pink it up that way.  All females don't want pink.  Just like all males don't want camo.  

Do not force a revolver on me "because it's simple for females to use."  Or whisper to my husband "dude, she needs a revolver."  I mean I don't try to force an easy bake oven on men who come in my kitchen because it's easier to use.  Ha!  Don't get me wrong I understand the simplicity comment... And I understand that in a high stress situation I need to be able to pull that gun out and use it swiftly and flawlessly.  However, guns are not one size fits all.  Women need to be comfortable with the gun they choose.  

I also don't advise using the statement, "so, are you looking for a little gun for your purse?" Well, actually no you big jerk.... I already have one in my purse, one in my console, and several more at home.  I'm just looking for another one to add to my collection.  I mean would he ask a man "so, are you looking for a little gun for your holster?"   Yeah I didn't think so.  

Another thing that bugs me.... A fella makes a derogatory comment about the caliber of gun I need.... And yet proceeds to look at a AR-15 22 cal.  Really?  I keep a 9mm in my purse/console.  My fun gun that I love to shoot at the range to practice acuity is a 1911 22cal.  So what makes him better than me?  I have more fire power in my car than his gun purchase.  

For the most part it is just assumed that the men that come in the store already own guns, and are all knowledgeable about guns.  I have been in enough gun stores to witness the difference in the way men are treated versus women.  I just wish that the men I deal with in gun stores would realize that I would love to "pick their brain" and learn from them while I'm there.  However, you will lose my attention and my money if you treat me like I'm beneath your skill level.  

I realize on a psychoanalytical review of my visit to the gun store.  Those men can't make me feel a certain way unless I let them.  I know I have some insecurity about my limited knowledge of guns.  And maybe just maybe that makes me feel some type of way when in this situation.  However, guys if you deal with your women or if you deal with women publicly in your job.... Treat them with respect , Educate them.... I promise you will win points and make more sales in the long run.  

A little respect goes a long way.  



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