Still small Voice

Some of you have heard me tell this story already.  However, I felt the need to share it with everyone.  
A few weeks ago, I was in Ozark catering a rehearsal dinner for my cousin. I had worked half a day and then went to finish buying food and flowers.  It just seemed like nothing had went the way it was supposed to.  And if you know anything about our family...nothing is ever simple.   I got aggravated, tired, and hungry. The family and I decided to go to Rodeo's for lunch.    By the time I arrived at Rodeo's I was just about on the verge of an anxiety attack.  My week was catching up with me, I was missing Bryan, and then we had to decorate AND cook the next day.   I was eating dinner and felt a tap on my arm and it was Stella Sanders Jones and then a few minutes later Daphne Hughes Johnston came to the table. We began to talk for a minute or two. Out of no where it seems, appeared this sweet angel face with long blond hair.  She was wearing the cutest little matchey match outfit and the most adorable rain boots!  You gotta love a girl that's prepared for a little rain!  :)  She didn't miss a minute  and ran right up to me like she had known me forever.  She gave me a little hug and runs away. Cutest thing ever. I think Daphne asked me, Do you know her? I told her no, I don't think so! Stella laughed, and told me that was Mallory Grace.   We said our goodbyes and I turned around to finish my meal. A minute or two passed and the next thing I know I hear the pitter patter of little feet.  Mallory Grace came right back up to me and stood on her tippy toes and gave me the sweetest hug and kiss on the cheek!   I could have just melted. I cant tell you how small I felt after that!   
Sometimes God speaks to us in still small voices.  To tune into God's voice we must turn off all the noise and distraction from our world.  God sent me Mallory Grace as that reminder to turn off all the noise and chaos of the day and just listen. 
You never know when your words or actions could make or break some one's day.  That's why we as adults should try to be more like Mallory Grace.  So, go out of your way to speak kind words to a stranger, or make an effort to smile at never know what that might mean to someone on the receiving end. 


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