A Good Cry in the Pantry with Alicia at 5:30 AM

You know you have heard me say that if you listen God speaks in a still small voice. Well, this morning I think HE sent a BIG LOUD voice to say HELLO! For some strange reason I get the motivation to clean out my pantry in this house between 5 and 6am. I have no idea why. It’s just quiet. I turn on my worship music and start cleaning and organizing. Well, this morning, I had a lot to work on. I had a large tote of serving dishes that had been returned from a wedding FOUR months ago??? I never got the motivation to put them away because I thought I had lost some of the hardware that bolts the trays together. I was sick about LOSING the hardware. How could I have lost it? These dishes were special. Example of the tiered serving trays. The dishes are 3-tiered serving trays like you use at a tea party type event. I bought them when Alicia Jolly and I hosted Kristy’s Bridal Tea Party....