Who was Carolyn Lee? (Eulogy for my Mawmaw)

Who was Carolyn Lee? December 16, 1933 to March 21, 2019 *My Eulogy for my grandmother. Written on the morning of her funeral March 24,2019.* · Carolyn Lee was a mother. She had two children, James Carroll and Joe Frank. She was so proud of her children. She never tired of telling stories about them growing up. · She was a grandmother. Mostly known as Mawmaw. She was known as Mawmaw not only to her biological grandchildren. She had many “kids” she claimed along the way. She would tell you quickly that Nathan, Ashley, & Kim were her “kids” too. She always had a story about her “kids”. She would tell everyone about everything that the “kids” had going on. She would show off the latest pictures of the houses or the kids or whatever new was happening with them. · ...