
Showing posts from July, 2013

'Maters & Crackers

There are a few things that trigger memories of my Granny Downs like no other.  Summer vegetables are one of those things.  I remember that summer vegetables meant some very early mornings for us grand kids.    If we were not in the field out by my grandparents house.  We were in the Tomato patch in Slocomb, AL. For some reason I remember that it was always a little foggy and the dew was falling just before sunrise.   I can still see it in my mind.    Who knows what time it really was but for us it meant groggy eyes and cat naps whenever we could.  Granddaddy would always stop at Hardees and get us a buttered biscuit on the way.  He knew we would need some carbs for that labor we were about to do!  haha I can remember that tomato field in my mind so vividly.  My granddaddy would park the car at the end of the row and we would pick tomatoes until our 5 gallon buckets were full.  Granddaddy would put them in the trunk of t...

Small Town.....Big News

Wow, I just realized that it has been almost two years since I sat down to blog or write.  I wish I could say that life has just been so good that I have not had time to blog.  However, the truth is that over the past two years life has been difficult.  Don't get me wrong I still feel as if God has blessed us with more than we deserve and I am so thankful for what we do have. I want to just get of all this out in the open.  I want to address the issue that I sometimes vaguely speak of and ask for prayer for.    I would be kidding myself to think that most people do not know what is going on with my brother.  Last year (and this year) he got himself into some legal issues.  Small town....Big news.  He went to jail and made headlines.  You really never know how reading about your sibling in the news will make you feel....until it happens to you.  Humbling to say the least.  I was mad.  I was sad.  I was furious. ...